by Rick Meyerhoefer, Delta Computer Systems Dead-weight testing is finally replaced by something decidedly more 21st century. Traditionally, repair facilities test hoists in a pretty straightforward way—they lift heavy loads after the repairs have been completed, to make sure that they operate correctly and to their rated capacities. John Henry Foster Co. (JHF) of St. […]
Do’s & Don’ts of seal validation
by Larry Castleman, Technical Director of Product Development, Martin Franz, Product Development Engineer, John McLaughlin, Manager of Product Testing and Mark Sitko, Product Development Engineer Based on practical experiences, these 12 do’s and don’ts can help confirm a sealing system will perform as designed. When designing and developing equipment that uses sealing systems, confirming the […]
Hydraulic Cylinder Mounting Options
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Hydraulic cylinders are available in a variety of styles and can be mounted in numerous ways. Here’s a look at some of the most common options and their advantages and disadvantages. The venerable hydraulic cylinder is the most effective means of creating linear force in the mechanical kingdom. They are […]
New ISO Technical Report Now Available From NFPA
A new ISO Technical Report has recently been published and is now available from the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA). ISO/TR 17209:2013, Hydraulic fluid power – Two-, three- and four-port screw-in cartridge valves – Cavities with ISO 725 (UN and UNF) threads This Technical Report specifies the dimensions and provides other data relating to cavities […]
Monitor Pressure the Easy Way
The new Ashcroft® DG25 digital pressure gauge provides a 5 full digit LCD in ranges up to 25,000 psi. Available in accuracies of 0.5% and 0.25% FS, this new design boasts a minimum battery life of 2000 hours. Standard features include an IP67 enclosure, selectable units of measure, a 20 segment bar graph indicator, min-max, […]
Tank-Mounted Filter | ART
Schroeder Industries, recognized in filtration and fluid conditioning products, re-releases the Tank-Mounted Filter | ART, a low pressure filter. Return line tank-mounted filtration offers a space saving solution for OEM’s of mobile machinery seeking to reduce the volume dedicated to hydraulic components. Schroeder Industries has a large offering of tank mounted filters to find the […]
Two New ISO Standards Now Available From NFPA
Two new ISO standards have recently been published and are now available from the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA). ISO 14540:2013, Hydraulic fluid power — Dimensions and requirements for screw-to-connect quick-action couplings for use at a pressure of 72 MPa (720 bar) This International Standard specifies dimensional and performance requirements for hydraulic screw-to-connect quick-action couplings […]
Swagelok® Improves Assembly and Installation Time
Engineered to streamline nut-ferrule installation, Swagelok Company introduces the new Swagelok® High-Volume Swaging Unit (HVSU) aimed to increase safety and productivity for the oil and gas, alternative fuel, and general industries (Figure 1). The HVSU enables installers to easily preswage Swagelok nut-ferrule sets onto stainless steel tubing. The pneumatically driven and electronically controlled semiautomatic unit […]
Brennan Industries to Give Away an iPad Air
Brennan Industries Inc. is celebrating the holidays by giving away a new Apple® iPad Air™. The contest, ending on December 11, 2013, gives entrants the opportunity to earn up to three entries into a drawing to win the tablet. Brennan is offering one easy entry into the drawing for each activity: liking the company’s Facebook […]
Two New ISO Standards Now Available From NFPA
Two new ISO standards have recently been published and are now available from the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA). ISO 1179-1:2013 (supersedes ISO 1179-1:2007) Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing — Part 1: Threaded ports (second edition) This part of […]