By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Sometimes, the selection or use of hydraulic pumps is not as linear and straightforward as selecting them from a catalog. You may already have an old or spare pump kicking around that was surplus from a long-dead machine, or perhaps you’re in need of something quickly, and your local farm […]
Engineering Basics
7 reasons why you should use draw-wire encoders
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor A draw-wire encoder (also known as a cable extension transducer or string potentiometer) is ideal for measuring linear displacement (distance) in a variety of applications where precise position is required. A draw-wire encoder uses a wire or cable wound around a spool, connected to a rotary encoder or potentiometer housed […]
How electrified controls simplify hydraulic machines
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Hydraulics is a venerable technology as mature as any competing force transfer system outside of straight mechanical conveyance. Most recent hydraulic advancements aren’t from any fundamental changes in the pump, valves and actuators used in hydraulic systems but rather from the implementation of increasingly advanced electronic technology. Early fluid power […]
How do you specify belly box remotes for mobile hydraulic operation?
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor When specifying belly box remote controls for mobile hydraulic machines, considering all the possible factors improves both operational efficiency and user safety. Belly box remote controls, often used in crane trucks, stone slingers, and other mobile hydraulic systems, provide the operator with wireless control over the machinery from a safe […]
Making battery-powered hydraulics last longer
I never thought I’d be writing this article, even if you asked me a year ago. Mobile hydraulic machines are often high-powered beasts with insatiable power demands that traditionally disqualified battery power. However, the proliferation of electric passenger vehicles has funnelled investment dollars into battery technology, which has trickled down into other industries. By removing […]
A primer on hydraulic pilot valves
Sometimes valves are actuators, and those actuators need valves. Sounds confusing, I know, but hear me out. With few exceptions, most hydraulic valves have at least some type of behavior that mimics a cylinder. A spool inside of a valve has surfaces that look like an annular piston (Figure 1), and poppets tend to look […]
7 ways to reduce weight on mobile hydraulic machines
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor One of the few disadvantages of hydraulics is the mass added to components capable of withstanding thousands of pounds of pressure. Of course, the raison d’ệtre of hydraulics is the transfer of pressurized fluid to achieve work. But do high-pressure components have to be high mass, especially on mobile machines? […]
4 key considerations when choosing electric motors and equipment
Contributed by Enrique Busquets • Director of Engineering Systems and Components, Bosch Rexroth Fueled by unceasing innovation, electric motors have solidified their position as a catalyst for change, reducing countries’ greenhouse gas emissions (ghg) and lowering total cost of ownership for heavy- and medium-duty vehicles and machinery. The accelerated adoption of electric motors has been […]
Comparing electric versus hydraulic motors
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Comparing electrical with hydraulics is one of my favorite topics to write about. When you study both fields, you quickly realize how much the concepts, mathematics and symbology coincide. However, not all readers share my same enthusiasm for the analogy. Many years ago, one LinkedIn member commented that I was […]
When should you use counterbalance valves?
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Counterbalance valves are an ingenious invention used to control runaway loads caused by mass or gravity attempting to push or pull outside of intentional movement. There are many ways to control a load or prevent it from moving, such as flow control valves or pilot-operated check valves. However, a counterbalance […]