Liebherr’s next-generation hydraulic cylinders are designed to meet the growing demand for sustainable, smart, high-performance machinery. The new, innovative hydraulic cylinders deliver peak efficiency, while reducing environmental impact, and offer a forward-thinking solution for industries that strive to meet both performance and sustainability goals, the company said in a press release. With a team of […]
Fail-safe locking device can hold four million pounds
Fluid power engineers are familiar with hydraulic load-holding or counterbalance valves that prevent sudden load drops and control descent speed. Such valves ensure smooth, stable operation and provide a safety mechanism in mobile and industrial machinery. The downside is they can fail due to wear, incorrect positioning, or failures in the hydraulic system. Pennsylvania-based York […]
Bosch Rexroth launches drive systems for hydrogen filling station compressors
At Hannover Messe this week, Bosch Rexroth announced that it has developed a scalable portfolio of servohydraulic drives for compressors in the power range between 10 and 280 kW in partnership with others from the hydrogen industry. Hydrogen produced from renewable energies plays a key role in achieving global climate targets. It is a CO2-free […]
Will AI soon predict internal cylinder leakage?
Electrohydraulic actuators are standalone, self-contained systems that perform powerful tasks without external piping. They typically include an electric servomotor driving a hydraulic pump — often an axial-piston unit. Other components include a hydraulic cylinder, tank, valving and charging circuits. Because they are fitted with their own closed fluid circuit, they require only a small amount […]
Duplomatic MS expands in Germany with mobile cylinder-maker Phillip Acon Hydraulik
Duplomatic MS Spa, a company within the Daikin Group, is pleased to announce a significant development in Germany. Günther Till GmbH & Co. KG, a well-known German cylinder manufacturer and already a part of Duplomatic MS since December 2021, has successfully signed an agreement to transfer the assets of Phillip Acon Hydraulik GmbH, a branch […]
Indispensable hydraulics: making light work in waste & recycling
Waste and recycling applications are dominated by hydraulic technologies, where the power density, ruggedness, speed and precision they provide are crucial to uptime. By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Hydraulics have proven to be a versatile and efficient technology in various industries, offering precise control, reliability, and extraordinary power density. Some industries are lightly equipped with […]
Is it necessary to push hydraulics past 10,000 psi?
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors in a microchip doubles every two years, increasing computing power exponentially over time. It seems no other technology experiences such a rapid progression, especially considering how relatively young the semiconductor industry is. Fluid power provides us with no such rate of performance […]
Liebherr’s hybrid cylinders for lightweight construction
Lightweight construction is considered an important trend and driver as OEMs strive to make off-road machinery more efficient and productive. It’s also becoming more significant in many stationary applications. In mobile equipment, for example, weight savings can increase operating speeds, allow for larger attachments and booms, and raise payloads. And, of course, it often reduces […]
Hydraulic cylinders staying tough and getting smart
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Technological advancement is accelerating at an exponential pace. Consider only fifty years ago how hydraulic cylinders were constructed much the same as they are today, yet how much has electronic, information and digital technology surpassed our venerable actuators? Hydraulic cylinders are simple and effective. They are so effective, in fact, […]
Force measurement within hydraulic cylinders
Classic hydraulic cylinders equipped with force-sensing elements allow precise and dynamic measurement of static and dynamic tensile and compressive loads. Indirect force-measurement via strain offers a smart alternative, according to engineers at Liebherr Components, Nussbaumen, Switzerland. Increasingly, mobile and industrial equipment manufacturers are focusing on sensor solutions and their efficient use in hydraulic cylinders. One […]