As at most mobile machinery shows this September, Parker Hannifin showcased a variety of technologies to ensure efficient, powerful mining machines. Newest on display, though, was its Force Command electrohydraulic linear actuator.

This new EHA features a brushless dc motor with integrated controller and absolute position sensing, giving users full control over the toughest and most demanding applications. The actuator is in prototype phase and will likely be launched next year, said Erik Larson, product sales manager.
What makes the product unique, said Larsen, is the fact that it’s the first EHA to include a brushless motor rated up to 48 Vdc.
“Today, we make a lot of hydraulic actuators that are 4, 6, and 8 in. This will be a much more improved, bigger brother because now we’re putting a brushless motor on here. Now you have full command over the EHA, so you can command it to go to certain stroke. You can change the speeds. You can accelerate. You can also have position sensing,” Larsen said.
Changing position is easy using a non-contact linear position feedback sensor. Using the HMI touchscreen, you simply input the stroke you require. The model on display could reach strokes to 12 in. but the Force Command EHAs can be manufactured for longer strokes.
“We’ve changed our construction in general, too, so we moved to a different housing. It’s got an aluminum extrusion, so now we can cut to length, so we can do up to 24 in. of stroke,” Larsen said. “We’ve got bigger boards, which gives us ability to move higher force loads. Our existing products offer 4,800 lb of force, and this goes to 9,400 lb of extension force.”
It operates on J1939/CANOpen and has been tested to meet military grade shock and vibration requirements.
“Listening to feedback from our distribution, we changed to a rod-end style of a number four short male thread, instead of a custom rod end and we offer base mount as well. It also conforms to the NFPA standards,” Larsen said. “We’re really excited about this product.”
Larsen said the Force Command EHA is designed for possible use in skid steer attachments, construction attachments, and small tractors as well. “I think it’ll be a great fit too for this push towards electrification,” he said. “You still need the power density, still need that force that electromechanical actuators don’t have today and probably won’t. Plus they (electromechanical) succumb to pressure spikes from roots, stumps, stuff like that, and we have built in protection there. We also have specific modes, like our float mode and our counterbalance circuit, which also are good for protection against that as well.”
Parker Hannifin