Jenni LeCompte, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs, posted a blog (see bottom of this page) on the Treasury department’s site describing how manufacturing is an engine of job growth and re-shoring is increasing. Nice to hear this being touted by the government, and love their infographic, which is below.
From the blog:
During today’s trip to Albany, New York, President Obama highlighted an important and emerging trend – rather than outsourcing, companies are increasingly choosing to invest and create jobs in the United States. While companies across industries are bringing jobs back, this trend is particularly important in manufacturing. In addition to creating good middle class jobs, there are broader economic effects for the communities where manufacturers choose to locate their production. For example, manufacturing accounts for about 70 percent of private sector research and development in the United States, and the innovations sprouting from these investments benefit the communities around these facilities, not just the company itself. That’s why the President has made clear we should strengthen the incentives for companies to insource by ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, giving tax relief to those who choose to move production back to the United States, and refocusing and enhancing the manufacturing deduction as we reform our business tax system.