Ultra Clean Technologies Corp.’s Clean Seal System uses heat shrink technology to encapsulate the end of a hose or tube assembly
Rules of Thumb for Maintaining Life of O-rings
When it comes to installing and maintaining the life of your O-ring, a few basic rules of thumb must be considered.
TRD Manufacturing Introduces the MH Series and TAS Cylinders
MH Series and TAS Series cylinders designed to deliver more reliability in heavy-duty industrial operations.
Rod Locks Improve Lift Gate Operation in Blower Trucks
The combination of an AMLOK rod lock, rod and rod eye, plus cartridge valves and bodies supplied by Hydrotech engineering staff resulted in a gate lift system that mechanically holds securely at any angle, with rod release occurring on operator command.
Command the Seas
Ship operators in the oil and gas industries who raise or lower pipes, gas wellheads, and other components to the sea floor must work despite surging and swelling waves or stormy weather. First generation Active Heave Compensators for Gusto BV, were built around an intelligent, rapidly controlled dual-function hydraulic cylinder platform.
Proportional Valves Handle Flows to 600 lpm
These load-sensing proportional valves are used in large-scale caterpillar cranes, ship cranes, wheel-loaders, earth-drilling equipment and rail-mounted cranes—applications where sensitive and precise load control is critical.