Hennepin adds work experience to curriculum Hennepin Technical College, like many technician-level schools, works with industry leaders to provide students with an education that is both comprehensive and relevant to the demands of industry. Unlike other schools, however, Hennepin goes so far as to incorporate real-world experience with industry into the curriculum. Hennepin does its […]
Fluid Power University Profiles: North Carolina A&T State University
NCAT seeks to improve human element in fluid power Unlike other members of the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, North Carolina A&T State University does not work on improving fluid power technology; instead the mainly graduate level program focuses on the interaction between the technology and its human user. NCAT is involved with […]
Fluid Power University Profiles: ATCC
Alexandria prepares students for the multidisciplinary world Alexandria Technical and Community College, located in Alexandria Minn., is a technician-level school that teaches students how to develop, use and support fluid power systems. The two-year program falls under the school’s Center for Applied Mechatronics department and accepts up to 40 students a year. Mechatronics is the […]
Fluid Power University Profiles: Purdue University
Maha research center leads in pump and motor modeling Purdue University, a member of the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, has been tasked with developing a fuel and power efficient excavator, the largest of the CCEFP’s test beds, as well as the virtual prototyping of pumps and motors. Run by mainly graduate-level students, […]
The manufacturer’s challenges of distribution network expansion
Last fall, Bailey International set the growth of alternative warehouse locations, as a strategic initiative. The idea was to expand westward in order to better serve its customers on the West Coast. This expansion would allow Bailey to save itself—and its customers—time and money. A site in Reno, Nev. was chosen and the move was […]
Fluid Power University Profiles: UIUC
UIUC looks to use pneumatics to give power to your stride The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a member of the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, is home to the CCEFP’s smallest test bed. It focuses on using fluid power to develop a more versatile, efficient and aesthetically pleasing version of an ankle-foot […]
Fluid Power University Profiles: University of Minnesota
UMN takes to the road with hydraulic hybrid vehicle The University of Minnesota is the premier university for the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, a network of researchers, educators, students and industry leaders, funded by the National Science Foundation. Sixty-two industry sponsors across the country and internationally have been involved with the CCEFP […]
Fluid Power University Profiles: Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech brings fluid power into the world of healthcare The Georgia Institute of Technology, a seven-year member of the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power is involved in research spanning seals and fluid characteristics, medical applications of fluid power and controls and interfaces for human operators. Georgia Tech does not offer a degree […]
Fluid Power University Profiles: MSOE
MSOE leads in motion control and fluid power education The fluid power program at the Milwaukee School of Engineering is one of seven programs collaborating under the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. The CCEFP is a network of researchers, educators, students and industry leaders, funded by the National Science Foundation. A majority of […]